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Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 41: October 11, 2019

Written by TeachBoost Team | Oct 11, 2019 5:00:00 AM

This week we learned the benefits of disconnecting from work with some R&R, how "Fun Fridays" can help build relationships, ways to get more out of your coaching investment, why it's important to take time to reflect on our role as a coach yearly, and more!

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What's Your Coaching Level?

Stephanie Affinito shares six steps you can take to move your teachers' instructional practices forward.

"Keep in mind that lower level coaching activities are essential to build relationships with teachers that lead to more focused coaching work later on. If you are new to coaching or new to your building, it is essential that you focus on these level 1 activities to build a strong foundation for coaching. . . . Then slowly shift your coaching to higher levels of intensity with other teachers based on readiness and experience."

Fun Friday Gatherings!

Michelle Shave uses "Fun Fridays" as a way to build relationships and develop teacher leaders.

"The Fun Friday is an optional gathering and those who attend appreciate the time to build relationships and some enjoy sharing their amazing cooking skills! Pictures are posted on a Google Site I created for our staff, under the "Fun Stuff" page. . . . It's a win-win use of time. While I'm the one to coordinate it, others chip in their help with setting up, preparing the activity, and getting food items - it's a great way to build distributive leadership."

Take a Breath

Ellen Eisenberg reminds us to take time to reflect on our role as a coach and to review our goals each year.

"As a coach, take a minute to refresh your memory about the school's goals for school wide improvement. . . . Build on the strengths of each previous year and remember to honor the teachers' voices. You are not the expert; you are creating a culture where collaboration is the norm and collective problem-solving is the theme for the year."

How a Vacation Improves Your Coaching

Elena Aguilar highlights the benefits of disconnecting from work with some much-deserved R&R.

"When you stop working, when you turn completely away from your professional life, your mind can wander and follow the whispers that beckon it, that intrigue it, that we usually have to turn from so we can stay focused on work. Those whispers often lead us to parts of ourselves that yearn for attention. That will ultimately help us become more compassionate, curious people. And compassion and curiosity are key to being an effective coach."

Getting the Most Out of Coaching

Douglas Reeves offers five guidelines to maximize our returns on investing in coaching time and resources.

"In too many districts, coaching is provided exclusively to new or struggling teachers and administrators. This sends the unmistakable signal that coaching is something to be avoided at all costs or, if you are receiving coaching, it's important for your career that you demonstrate that you don't need coaching any more. This is wrong-headed. The highest-performing teachers and administrators want to continue to get better, and they know they can benefit enormously from a coach."

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