Have you ever struggled with explaining your role as a coach to your peers? Hear from three coaches who were eager to share how they respond when faced with this request.
TeachBoost's Ask the Coaches series is a compilation of answers to questions instructional coaches often face, or ask themselves. To kick things off, today we will learn "how do coaches explain their role?"
Brad Falvey, instructional coach at Roll Tide University:
"I like to explain that my role as a coach is a master of none. I'm no expert in any subject, but someone who can support others in their role, and guide growth and development."
Charlie Brown, PD Specialist within Brownsville Public Schools:
"Jack of all trades. I'm there to support teachers by helping them plan lessons, model teaching, find resources, and grow as a professional."
Jesse Lacey, Principal/IC at Brand New High School:
"I'm a cheerleader and a teacher's biggest support system. My role is to be a good listener, available when my coachees need me, and a non-evaluative partner to share ideas with."
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