August 2020 Instructional Coaching Must-Reads

TeachBoost Team

TeachBoost Team

2020-08 August Must Reads header.min

Welcome back! The 2020-21 school year may look a little different and we want to wish everyone a safe and successful one. To help you get ready, we went through August's Weekly Coaching Roundups and pulled out some of the most relevant for the start of this year: learn the value of using shared language to define the role of an IC, why a team approach to distance learning is key, a few tips for taking control of your classroom virtually, and more. Enjoy!

  • Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 33: August 14, 2020

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - August 2020 (Half) (Seasonal)

    This week we learned about some powerful pandemic-related introspection and coaching adjustments, the value of content-based coaching cycles and how you can get started, took a deep-dive into all of the qualities that drive a coaching implementation, and more. Enjoy! 

  • Adapting to Coaching Changes by Working with Ego

    Fiona Robertson

    Header - Hurtado - Adapting with Ego

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused educators to abruptly change their routines and practices to meet the shift toward distance learning. Fiona Hurtado, instructional coach, reflects on what she's learned during the pandemic and how it's shaping her approach to coaching moving forward.

  • Leveraging Your Teacher Leaders as Peer Mentors

    Ramona Towner

    Collaboration Montage

    Teacher leaders can help your coaching efforts in tons of different ways. Ramona Towner, elementary instructional coach in Illinois, relays her process for encouraging influential teachers to share their work and skills with peers.
