Tips for Checking-In with Teachers Remotely

Kelly Batts

Kelly Batts

Header - Batts - Checking In Remotely

The shift to distance learning was a quick and unexpected transition for many organizations. Kelly Batts, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for Clinton City Schools in North Carolina, shares how promoting teacher feedback and communication among all organizational levels was their district's biggest win while shifting to distance learning.

  • May 2019 Instructional Coaching Must-Reads

    TeachBoost Team

    Must reads header - May 2019 (v2)

    As the saying goes, "April showers bring May's coaching articles!" That might not be it exactly but May did sprout some fresh coaching content from our weekly coaching roundups! Learn how the end of the year is the perfect time to take risks, how to build a culture of collaboration through coaching, the benefits of seeking feedback as a coach, ways coaches can build and advance partnerships, and more. Enjoy!

  • Seeking Feedback as a Coach

    Fiona Robertson

    Collaboration Montage

    What's the best way to seek feedback? Ask for it! Fiona Hurtado, teaching and learning coach in South Africa, shares the benefits of simply asking teachers for their honest feedback and how she's used these suggestions and insights to shape her coaching strategies moving forward.
