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News & Trends

The 2022 Coaching Impact Report

TeachBoost Team

TeachBoost Team

Teachers are in crisis. They are leaving education at unprecedented rates. The results shared in this report help to create urgency for educators to build coaching programs that support teachers. The report shines a light on the importance of having access to coaching data which, in turn, helps district leaders to make a rock-solid case for investing in their coaching programs.

  • Operations & Data

    Knight vs. Bambrick: Which Model Best Suits Yours?

    TeachBoost Team

    When starting off as a coach, it's difficult to gauge exactly how, and how much, to support your teachers. Coaches often go straight from the classroom, where they are used to directly managing students, to their coaching role of supporting adult learners. In that transition, how do you decide the level of input you provide vs. what a teacher provides? How do you help guide them to the strongest levers of action in their classroom while helping them work towards their self-identified goals?

  • News & Trends

    Product Update: TeachBoost Coach Activity Timeline

    TeachBoost Team

    The TeachBoost Coach product team is always listening to feedback from our customers as we share the common goal of helping instructional leaders measure the time, effort, and impact of their coaching programs. We’re excited to share some exciting updates to the Activity Timeline that are a direct result of the thoughtful feedback we’ve received from coaches and leaders.

  • Teacher Growth

    Social-Emotional Coaching: Supporting the Stages of Change

    TeachBoost Team

    Lindsey Frank, the district-wide climate and social-emotional learning coach for Community Consolidated School District 59 in Illinois, shares strategies for understanding and supporting the social and emotional needs of adults—both in partnerships and coaching cycles—in order to impact student learning.

  • Teacher Growth

    Coaching Choice Boards

    TeachBoost Team

    Teachers learn best when they're given a voice and a choice in their professional learning. Pam Hubler, instructional coach in South Carolina, shares how she creates opportunities for teachers to choose their level of coaching support through the use of Coaching Choice Boards, and how you can build your own!

  • Student Outcomes

    Wearing a Coaching Hat as a Principal

    TeachBoost Team

    Jessica Johnson is an elementary school principal and district assessment coordinator in Wisconsin. She explains how the mindset of a coach doesn't have to stop after transitioning into an administrative role and ways to achieve balance as both a principal and coach.

  • Operations & Data

    The Power of Goal Setting

    TeachBoost Team

    Everyone uses goals at some point in their personal or professional lives—big or small, intentionally or unintentionally. While the bigger ones are often written down on a sticky note or saved somewhere, the most powerful features of setting goals are unfortunately often lost. When a goal is measurable, personalized, trackable, and approached with a growth mindset, it is most able to serve as a vehicle for accomplishing anything and focusing on these qualities can make any goal much more successful.
