Here are this week's must-read articles for teachers and instructional leaders:
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This Week's Instructional Leadership Must-Reads: May 22
Jill Lubow
Here are this week's must-read articles for teachers and instructional leaders:
December 2016 Instructional Leadership Must-Reads
Brad Falvey
Our team here at TeachBoost hopes you had a safe and happy holiday season, and wishes you a fantastic New Year.
Here are your instructional leadership news, highlights, and updates for December—you can also subscribe to our blog to have our must-reads sent straight to your inbox!
November 2016 Instructional Leadership Must-Reads
Brad Falvey
Here are your instructional leadership news highlights for November—subscribe to our blog to have our must-reads sent straight to your inbox!
October 2016 Instructional Leadership Must-Reads
Jill Lubow
Here are your instructional leadership news highlights for October—subscribe to our blog to have our must-reads sent straight to your inbox.
September 2016 Instructional Leadership Must-Reads
Jill Lubow
Here are your instructional leadership news highlights for September—subscribe to our blog to have our must-reads sent straight to your inbox.
August 2016 Instructional Leadership Must-Reads
Brad Falvey
Here are your instructional leadership news highlights for August! Subscribe to our blog to have our must-reads sent straight to your inbox.
Camden City School District Adopts TeachBoost’s Evaluation and Coaching Platform
Jill Lubow
TeachBoost today announced a partnership with New Jersey’s Camden City School District (CCSD) to provide its software-based evaluation and coaching system to all teachers and leaders district-wide.
TeachBoost Partners with the Education Achievement Authority of Michigan
Jill Lubow
“The EAA believes that effective teachers are the most important factor in determining student achievement,” says Jeremy Vidito, Chief Administrative Officer at the Education Achievement Authority of Michigan (EAA).
We have to say, we agree.
That’s why TeachBoost is proud to announce its partnership with the EAA to serve as the district’s performance management system.
July 2016 Instructional Leadership Must-Reads
Brad Falvey
Here are your instructional leadership news highlights for July! Subscribe to our blog to have our must-reads sent straight to your inbox.
June 2016 Instructional Leadership Must-Reads (Clone)
Brad Falvey
Here are your instructional leadership news highlights for June! Subscribe to our blog to have our must-reads sent straight to your inbox.