• Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 15: April 15, 2022

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - April 2021 (Seasonal)

    Learn six signs of an effective IC, how admins can wear a "coaching hat" while observing staff, questions that spark reflection at each stage of a coaching cycle, and more in this week's Weekly Coaching Roundup.

  • Improve Your Practice with a Self-Reflection Checklist

    Jennifer Ivory

    Header - Ivory - Self Reflection Checklist 2

    Jennifer Ivory, instructional coach in the Middle East, reflects on how she developed a questioning and listening checklist to support her coaching conversations after realizing she wasn't consistently hitting the mark.

  • Four Tips for Effective Coaching Conversations

    Jessica Crawford

    Header - Crawford - Coaching Conversations

    Jessica Crawford, District Literacy Coach in Michigan, highlights four coaching conversation moves she's learned over the years from other leading instructional coaches. Read on for some new ways to help your conversations begin to forge stronger teacher partnerships.

  • Embodying a Coaching Mindset

    Miriam Guerrero Cheuk

    Header - Cheuk - Coach Mindset

    Are you looking to dive below the surface in your coaching conversations? Miriam Guerrero Cheuk, district IC in Virginia, highlights four ways to build a genuine connection with teachers through life-giving coaching conversations.

  • August 2021 Instructional Coaching Must-Reads

    TeachBoost Team

    2021-08 August Must Reads header

    We went through August's Weekly Coaching Roundups and bundled up the top articles for your back-to-school pack. 🎒 Learn why coaching brochures are an incredible way to showcase all you do as an IC, how to use affirmation stations to spread love and appreciation to your staff, the importance of relationships and reflection for coaching growth, and more. Enjoy, and we wish you a safe and prosperous 2021-22 school year. 😀

  • Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 34: August 27th, 2021

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - August 2021 (Seasonal)

    This week we learned how to build a culture of appreciation with affirmation stations, why relationships and reflection are essential to coaching growth, five traits of positively energizing ICs and leaders, and more! 😀
