Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 20: May 20, 2022
TeachBoost Team
This week we learned a few end-of-year coaching tips, Jim Knight's seven factors of successful coaching programs, how to make observations more collaborative, and more!
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TeachBoost Team
This week we learned a few end-of-year coaching tips, Jim Knight's seven factors of successful coaching programs, how to make observations more collaborative, and more!
TeachBoost Team
This week we learned a few end-of-year coaching tips, Jim Knight's seven factors of successful coaching programs, how to make observations more collaborative, and more!
TeachBoost Team
Learn how to be a more compassionate coach, tips for putting educators' mental health through non-invasive coaching, why seeking feedback from teachers is valuable (plus some questions to get you started!), and more in this week's coaching roundup.
Stephanie Affinito
When we stop growing professionally, we do a disservice to not ourselves but to others. Stephanie Affinito, Staff Associate in the literacy department at the University at Albany in New York, shares three ways to level up your coaching skillset by seeking feedback from your peers—both in-person and online. 💻
Jenny Steller
How do you empower your teachers while giving them a voice and choice in their professional learning, you ask? EdCamps! Jenny Steller, instructional coach in Ohio, overviews the EdCamp model for PD and the steps you can take to help your teachers organize their next professional learning session.
Shelby Denman
A coach's impact relies heavily on their support both in and out of their organization. Shelby Denman, Coordinator for Professional Learning a Forney ISD, offers some advice for instructional leaders on how they can support, develop, and retain ICs.
TeachBoost Team
Learn five tips for making principal coaching work, why role-play is beneficial for instructional coaches, the advantages of having teacher-led mini-conferences and PD, and more in this week's Weekly Coaching Roundup.
TeachBoost Team
This week we learned the ins and outs of effective PLCs, four ways to make every coaching conversation impactful, why even principals deserve an IC, and more!
TeachBoost Team
This week our Weekly Coaching Roundup shined a light on how ICs can build a coaching relationship with principals, four ways to move beyond tech support as a Digital Learning Coach, why setting boundaries is crucial in coaching, and more. Enjoy!
TeachBoost Team
Welcome back! This week we dove into how organizations can use microlearning sessions for educators when rolling out new technology, a handful of fun strategies that re-shift and re-energize your PLCs, the impact of both online and in-person coaching, and more. Enjoy! 😀