• Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 30: July 30th, 2021

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - July 2021 (Seasonal)

    We wrapped up July by learning how to clarify your coaching role in three easy steps, the four speeds of teacher buy-in, a few strategies for productive teacher mentoring, how to transition out of emergency learning and coaching, and more. Enjoy!

  • Transitioning Out of Emergency Coaching and Teaching

    Ellen Eisenberg

    Header - Eisenberg - Emergency Coaching

    As we venture back to in-person teaching and learning, we must decide what tactics worked in the past and what we should leave there. Ellen Eisenberg, executive director of The Professional Institute for Instructional Coaching, highlights what she believes we should strengthen, keep, and dismiss for the return to school and the role of the IC during the process. 🏫

  • Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 20: May 15, 2020

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - May 2020 (Half) (Seasonal)

    This week we learned how one coach uses Coaching Choice Boards to empower the teachers she works with, what "genius hours" are and why they're important for students, a few ways leaders can be more strategic and skillful in their support, and more. Enjoy! 👍

  • From Coaching to Teaching

    Shasta Looper

    Collaboration Montage

    Shasta Looper, 4th grade teacher and former instructional coach, shares four "critical path items" to impact student growth that she learned through her experience working as a coach.
