• 3 Ways to Build Your PLN as a New IC

    Violet Christensen & Courtney Groskin

    Header - Christensen - 3 Ways PLN

    Being a new instructional coach can feel like you're on an island with few resources, which is why it's crucial to build a learning network on your own. 🏝️ Violet Christensen and Courtney Groskin eagerly share three tactics for making connections—both in-person and online—and even suggestions of whom to follow online.

  • Use a Coaching Brochure to Showcase All You Do as a Coach

    Casey Watts

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    Brochures are a fantastic way to showcase how your partnership with teachers can help them grow. Casey Watts, IC in Texas, shares some of her must-have sections to include in your own brochure, as well as some tips for distributing them to teachers.

  • Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 30: July 30th, 2021

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - July 2021 (Seasonal)

    We wrapped up July by learning how to clarify your coaching role in three easy steps, the four speeds of teacher buy-in, a few strategies for productive teacher mentoring, how to transition out of emergency learning and coaching, and more. Enjoy!

  • Transitioning Out of Emergency Coaching and Teaching

    Ellen Eisenberg

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    As we venture back to in-person teaching and learning, we must decide what tactics worked in the past and what we should leave there. Ellen Eisenberg, executive director of The Professional Institute for Instructional Coaching, highlights what she believes we should strengthen, keep, and dismiss for the return to school and the role of the IC during the process. 🏫

  • Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 23: June 11th, 2021

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - June 2021 (Seasonal)

    This week we learned a four-step guide for creating a personalized PD plan, a few misinterpretations of coaching and how you can handle them, tips for organizing end-of-year reflection conversations for teachers, and more!

  • Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 21: May 28th, 2021

    TeachBoost Team

    Weekly Coaching Roundup - May 2021 (Seasonal)

    We wrapped up the last full week of May by learning three tips for balancing your dual role as teacher and coach, a district's practiced techniques for supporting SEL, four out-of-the-ordinary PD designs, and more. Enjoy!

  • May 2021 Instructional Coaching Must-Reads

    TeachBoost Team

    2021-05 May Must Reads header

    We've got a huge crop of coaching articles this month from Weekly Coaching Roundups, and we handpicked the top ones just for you! 🌷 Read on to learn a 4-step cycle for collecting and analyzing coaching feedback, a few helpful tips for leaders looking to build trust and credibility within their organization, three ways to use Google Jamboard to promote positive reflection and celebrate success with teachers, and more. Enjoy!

  • 3 Tips to Balance Your Roles as Teacher and Coach

    Lauren Smith

    Smith - Header - Balance Roles

    Lauren Smith, instructional coach in Indiana, reflects on three themes that have sustained her this year in her new dual role as both teacher and coach, and how they'll guide her work in the future.
