• Paving a Better Way for Lesson Plan Feedback

    Rachel Wyatt

    Header - Wyatt - Lesson Plan Feedback

    You've heard of classroom walkthroughs, but what about lesson plan walkthroughs? Rachel Wyatt, Secondary Instructional Specialist at New Boston ISD in Texas, shares her tips for giving quality feedback on lesson plans by connecting them to classroom walkthroughs.

  • Coaching Partnerships: The Long and Short of Them

    Danielle Head & Lesley Burdine

    Collaboration Montage

    Danielle Head and Lesley Burdine, technology integration coaches from the Clarksville Montgomery County School System in Tennessee, explain the importance of collaboration and reflection between a teacher and coach and how relationships can thrive through both short- and long-term partnerships.

  • ABCs of BDA: The Before, During, and After Coaching Cycle

    Ellen Eisenberg

    Collaboration Montage

    Ellen Eisenberg, Executive Director of The Professional Institute for Instructional Coaching (TPIIC), explains what goes into a "before-during-after" coaching cycle and how it can increase collaboration through deliberate conversations.

  • Using an Inquiry-Based Coaching Cycle

    Dr. Cristine LaMontagne

    Collaboration Montage

    Dr. Cristine LaMontagne, instructional coach at East Side Union High School District in San Jose, California, advocates for an "inquiry-based" approach to explore and measure teacher growth while immediately addressing the needs of students in the classroom.
